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ArtsMontco Week

Eclipse is proud to join the other 40+ arts organizations in the first ever ArtsMontco Week supporting the businesses that help build a thriving community.

The ArtsMontco week just happens to coincide with the start of our fine art classes and fun weekend events. I hope you'll take some time to look at the fine art classes for adults and children on our website at www., We also have lunch break yoga at noon on Fridays and the Afterschool Art Club starts September 21.

In addition to classes starting we have a full slate of special events:

  • September 23, 7 to 9 pm: Workshop "Access Your Inner Artist" A mindful journey toward a more creative life with Lorna Cassano and Dana Piscopo $75 pp, upstairs in Suite 107

  • September 24, 6 to 9 pm: Opening reception for Phantasma - our inaugural spook show for the Halloween season. Phantasma will be available for viewing in our gallery from Sept. 24 through November 4. Show in Upper Gallery and Main Gallery. Free event, refreshments available

  • September 25, 7 to 9 pm: Paint Party with Niki - "Howl at the Moon" $39 pp BYOB & refreshments, upstairs in Suite 107

  • September 25, 7 to 9 pm: Meet the Poet Laureate, book signing and poetry reading by Paul Siegell, the 2021 Montgomery County Poet Laureate. Free event (donations for MCPL gratefully accepted). in the Gathering Gallery, lower level

I hope you will come out and support the arts and artists in Montgomery County. They make life more beautiful and enjoyable every day, especially when they are doing "spooky" art about ghost donuts. (Art by Barbara Martin "Sweet Dreams")


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